Multitasking Marathoner: Q&A with Vera Yeh

Levelle was born from intimate conversations with tough-as-nails female endurance athletes. We heard fascinating story after fascinating story while we were dreaming up the business and have reconnected with some of the athletes to share those stories with you.

Photo of Vera with NYC marathon bib

I am an MBA student, lawyer and dance-party lover.

Vera is a former lawyer transitioning into finance and a current MBA student at Cornell University. She currently works part-time for an investment bank and was an avid figure skater back in the day. She started running post-college as a form of commuting and totally fell in love with it.

Q&A with Vera Yeh

What Drew You to Running?

The rush I get when I push myself to run a longer distance.

What Is Your Favorite Thing About Your Running Routine?

Packing more into the day since I get up early to run.

Why Did You Start Competing?

I saw some friends doing it and thought I’d jump on the bandwagon.

How Do You Find Time For Fitness In Your Daily Routine?

All about balance. I have to say no to some evening events to get enough sleep. And if you do something, do it 100%. Get more done that way.

What Is The Biggest Lesson You’ve Learned About Yourself Through Running?

That I can do anything with the right plan.

What Advice Would You Give A Younger You?

Don’t be in a hurry to get to the upper mileages. Celebrate everyday improvements.

Have You Ever Failed To Fuel Properly? What Did You Change As A Result?

Oh yes. I worked with one of the dieticians at my school to get help on that.

How Were You Introduced to Levelle? How Have Levelle's Energy Gels Changed Your Running? 

Dr. Linda Alvarez [Levelle's CEO and Co-Founder] came to speak to a class I’m TA-ing for and I was super impressed. I was in the market for energy gels so I promptly ordered a package and was blown away by the taste and quality ingredients and the “zing” they provided while out on a run.

How Do You Push Through the Mental and Physical Barriers of Long Runs? 

I tell myself that even though I might be in pain now, I am building up great things in the form of improved fitness and mental stamina.

What Tool or Habit Has Most Improved Your Running? 

Having the right pair of running shoes. I’ve had shoes that didn’t fit well in the past and that wasn’t fun.

Why Did You Decide to Run the NYC Marathon? Have You Run it Before? 

I love the city and was really impressed with the vibe. I’ve never run it before so this’ll be a great first experience.


Favorite post-race meal?

Japanese curry with as many vegetables as possible.

What's in your hydropack/ running belt?

Lots of Levelle of course! And some tissue.

Morning or evening run?


Favorite distance?


Favorite way to indulge in your wellbeing?

Getting more sleep.

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